
Read blogs from patients, and even chiropractors who share their journey of scoliosis.

And get updated on latest articles regarding scoliosis.


June is Scoliosis Awareness Month!

News Update
Welcome to June, a month dedicated to raising awareness about scoliosis and supporting individuals living with this condition. Scoliosis Awareness Month serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding, empathy, and education surrounding spinal curvature disorders.

Usain Bolt, The Fastest Man In The World Has Scoliosis

 Article by Erin Myers
Scoliosis can’t slow down the world’s fastest human! Read this article by Erin Myers, an international presenter on scoliosis and founder of Spiral Spine, about Bolt’s functional scoliosis. “One of my favorite living people with scoliosis is Usain Bolt…”

“I Didn’t Let It Defeat Me.”

 Patient’s Story: By John Sacorna
“John Sarcona was only 17 years old when he was admitted to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City for life-threatening scoliosis that he described as forcing his spine to “bend by the hour.” Two years later, following an amazing recovery, he is learning to drive and is enjoying his college years.

“One of My Biggest Hardships”

 Patient’s Story: By Michelle Jiang
“Unlike many others, I am fortunate to not have undergone surgery. I’ll be forever thankful for all the medical professionals, friends, and family that supported me through this journey. “

What It’s Like to Win “The Lottery”

Patient’s Story: By Jordan Parhar

What It’s Like to Win “The Lottery”

“While I haven’t won millions of dollars in the lottery like I dreamed about as a kid, I certainly feel like I have in life. Whether it’s the phenomenal care I received at BC Children’s hospital, the overwhelming love and support I’ve received from my parents, or the fact that I’m able to continue living an active lifestyle, I consider myself to be a lottery winner in so many ways.”


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